Factors affecting users satisfaction of regional innovation activity management website (NIA Regional Connect)

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Pattarapong Sakulwong
Chutima Beokhaimook


This research aims to study and analyze the Factors Affecting Users Satisfaction of Regional Innovation Activity Management Website (NIA Regional Connect). The study sample comprises users of the NIA Regional Connect website who responded to the research questionnaire via the website, totaling 384 individuals. The research methodology involved the use of questionnaires and data analysis using statistical tools such as frequency analysis, percentages, means, standard deviations, and multiple regression analysis. The study found that out of 5 hypotheses, 5 were accepted, indicating the following relationships: 1) System quality factors have a positive effect on website user satisfaction. 2) Information quality factors have a positive effect on website user satisfaction. 3) Service quality factors have a positive effect on website user satisfaction. Positively affects the satisfaction of website users. 4) The factor of perceived usefulness has a positive effect on the satisfaction of website users. 5) The factor of perceived ease of use has a positive effect on the satisfaction of website users. The researcher can analyze and apply it to develop, improve, and use the information to provide website services to meet the needs of users of the regional innovation activity management system website (NIA Regional Connect).

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How to Cite
Sakulwong, P., & Beokhaimook, C. . (2024). Factors affecting users satisfaction of regional innovation activity management website (NIA Regional Connect). Journal of KMITL Business school, 14(2), 1–16. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fam/article/view/269942
Research Article


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