Factors Affecting the Success of Wat Portal Website Services (www.watportal.com)

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Chutima Beokhaimook


This research aims to study and analyze the factors influencing the success of service provision on the website Watportal.com. The study sample comprises users of the Watportal.com website who responded to the research questionnaire via the website, totaling 384 individuals. The research methodology involved the use of questionnaires and data analysis using statistical tools such as frequency analysis, percentages, means, standard deviations, T-tests, and multiple regression analysis. The study found that out of 11 hypotheses, 8 were accepted, indicating the following relationships: 1) System Quality positively influences User Use. 2) System Quality positively influences User Satisfaction. 3) Service Quality positively influences User Satisfaction. 4) User Use positively influences User Satisfaction. 5) User Use positively influences Perceived Net Benefits. 6) User Satisfaction positively influences Perceived Net Benefits. 7) Perceived Net Benefits positively influence User Use. 8) Perceived Net Benefits positively influence User Satisfaction. These findings can be analyzed and applied to the development, improvement, and utilization of data for service provision on the Watportal.com website to meet user needs. Factors related to System Quality, User Use, User Satisfaction, and Perceived Net Benefits positively contribute to the success of providing services on website wat portal.


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How to Cite
SUKORRAPHAS, K., & Beokhaimook, C. . (2024). Factors Affecting the Success of Wat Portal Website Services (www.watportal.com). Journal of KMITL Business School, 14(1), 58–72. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/fam/article/view/269613
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