Creative Economy Strategies, Entrepreneur Characteristics and External Environment Affecting The Success of Durian Exporting in Chumphon Province

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Jittima Phrueksakan
Kitti Kaewkhiew


The objectives of this research were the following 1) to study creative economy strategies, entrepreneur characteristics, the external environment and the success of durian exporting in Chumphon province, 2) to analyze creative economy strategies that affect the success of durian exporting in Chumphon province, 3) to analyze entrepreneur characteristics that affect the success of durian exporting in Chumphon province, and 4) to analyze the external environment that affect the success of durian exporting in Chumphon province. The samples were collected from all the 392 entrepreneurs who have received GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) is a food safety control system It is to control the products to be safe in every step. certification and registered as a certified packing house with Plant Standard and Certification Division. The research instrument that used collected data was a questionnaire. The statistics that used in this research were the descriptive statistical analysis such as percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the inferential statistical analysis was using multiple regression analysis.
The results of the study found that 1) Creative economy strategy, entrepreneur characteristics, external environment and the success of durian exporting were average is at a high level. 2) Creative economy strategy in terms of product differentiation strategy and partnership strategy had positive impacted on the success of durian exporting at a significant level of 0.01 3) Entrepreneur characteristics in terms of innovative, risk-taking and proactive had positive impacted on the success of durian exporting at a significant level of 0.01 4) External environment in terms of economic social and culture had positive impacted on the success of durian exporting at a significant level of 0.01.

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How to Cite
Phrueksakan, J., & Kaewkhiew, K. (2023). Creative Economy Strategies, Entrepreneur Characteristics and External Environment Affecting The Success of Durian Exporting in Chumphon Province. Journal of KMITL Business School, 13(2), 59–70. Retrieved from
Research Article


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