The Influencing of Marketing Mix on Consumer Electric Vehicle Buying Decisions in Muang District, Rayong Province

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Mathin Jaikua
Krittaphas Mongkoldhumrongkul


This research aimed to study the relationship between marketing mix and electric vehicle purchase decision of consumers in Muang District, Rayong Province by a questionnaire as a tool to collect data from a sample of 420 people. Data analysis is the descriptive statistics include percentage, mean, standard deviation and inferential statistics, including t-distribution, one-way analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis. The research results found that most of the respondents were female, aged 20-30 years, had a bachelor's degree, working as a private employee, with a monthly income of fewer than 20,000 baht. Most of the respondents did not have a car in their possession competitiveness and built strength in selling products to win the hearts of consumers sustainably. The hypothesis testing revealed that demographic factors did not affect the purchasing decision of electric vehicles at the statistically significant level at 0.05 level. It found that the marketing mix factors were the product, price, distribution channel, and marketing promotion had a statistically significant influence on the purchasing decision of electric vehicles at 0.05 level. The results of this research can be applied as a guideline for developing the electric vehicle business to increase the opportunity for marketing competition and build strength in selling products to win the hearts of consumers sustainably.

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How to Cite
Jaikua, M., & Mongkoldhumrongkul, K. (2022). The Influencing of Marketing Mix on Consumer Electric Vehicle Buying Decisions in Muang District, Rayong Province. Journal of KMITL Business School, 12(1), 28–41. Retrieved from
Research Article


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