Creating Awareness for Safety Management System and Working Environment of Industrial Management Students Through Virtual Reality Technology

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Nitinop Tongwassanasong


A study of awareness about Safety Management System and Workplace Environment for Industrial Management program students, through Virtual Reality Technology aims to 1) develop the prototype of Virtual Reality Technology media for creating awareness of Safety Management System and Workplace Environment  2) study the awareness of Industrial Management program students being concerned about Safety Management System and Workplace Environment and 3) compare the learning achievement outcome between Virtual Reality Technology and traditional learning materials. Quantitative and Qualitative methods were conducted in this research to determine and conclude the result. There were 147 samples from Industrial Management program students which were collected by observation, interview and questionnaires. Data was analyzed by using SPSS and Descriptive Statistics.

The results showed that 1) the prototype development of Virtual Reality Technology media could affect to the creating of Cognitive, Awareness, Behavior and support learning outcome of students in terms of knowledge and Emotional Intelligence. 2) The awareness studying of samples which considered from effective experiment and satisfactory was in high level. 3) The learning achievement outcome comparison between Virtual Reality Technology and traditional learning materials considered the percentage difference showing Post-test presenting definitely higher than Pre-test 77.69%.

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How to Cite
Tongwassanasong, N. (2021). Creating Awareness for Safety Management System and Working Environment of Industrial Management Students Through Virtual Reality Technology. Journal of KMITL Business School, 11(1), 26–38. Retrieved from
Research Article


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