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รมย์รวินท์ ทัดเทียมรมย์


The objective of this research is to analyze the marketing factors and the purchasing behavior on supplementary foods of elderly in central region. This research is a survey research using a closed-ended questionnaire to collect data. The samples were collected from six provinces in the central region of Thailand, totaling 400 individuals.  The majority of the samples are female, 60-65 years old, unemployed/ /retired, bachelor’s degree graduate, and earn more than 30,001 Baht of income. The result shows that most buy supplementary foods less than once a month, spending less than 500 Bath per purchase, buying calcium products mostly, the reason of buying is to be healthy/ to prevent diseases, the place of buying are malls/supermarkets, and the influencers are themselves. For the marketing factors on supplementary foods purchasing, the “product” factor has the highest score with strongly agree (= 4.38), followed by “place” factor with strongly agree (= 4.37). Next is “promotion” factor with agree (= 4.14), and last, “price” with agree (= 4.14). The result from the hypothesis testing with t-test and One-way ANOVA shows that elderlies with different levels of education, income, purchasing frequencies, and spending of each purchase have different opinions about marketing factors on purchasing supplementary foods at the significant level of 0.05.

Keywords:  Supplementary Foods, Elderly, Aging Society, Marketing Factors

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How to Cite
ทัดเทียมรมย์ ร. (2021). MARKETING FACTORS ON PURCHASING SUPPLEMENTARY FOODS OF ELDERLY IN CENTRAL REGION. Journal of KMITL Business School, 11(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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