Brand Image Perception of Industrial Valve to the staff of Production Unit of Sugar Mills in Northeastern Region

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wichai khrutchan


     The objectives of this research are to: (1) study level Brand Image Perception of Industrial Valve to the staff of Production Unit of Sugar Mills in Northeastern Region, (2) study the relationship between marketing mix factors and Brand Image Perception of Industrial Valve to the staff of  Production Unit of Sugar Mills in Northeastern Region, and (3) Brand Image Perception of Valve Industrial level of production Unit of Sugar Mills in Northeastern Region, categories of personal factors.

The research was a survey research. The population used in the research is Employees in the production department of the sugar factory in the northeastern region, 19 factories, 3,460 employees of the whole production department. The sample size was 359 factories calculated by Taro Yamane formula. The sampling method was Simple random sampling. The research tool was a questionnaire with 0.96 reliability. The statistic employed were percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and paired comparison method.

The research findings revealed that: (1) the Brand Image Perception of level was at a high level in the overall. when considering each aspect found that there is the high level in tree aspects: Brand reputation Identity, Brand differentiation and Brand supporting. 2) The opinions about in the overall marketing mix factors are related to the image of the valve industry brand image, when considering each aspect found that only opinions on marketing mix factors in distribution channels were related to the image of the valve industry brand image at the statistical significance level of 0.05. The part of product, price, marketing promotion that there is no relationship with the perceived corporate valve industry brand image and (3) Production department in the sugar factory in the northeastern region who has different gender, age, education degree, positions and work experience that the valve brand image perceived of level is different with statistical significance at the level of 0.05.


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How to Cite
khrutchan, wichai. (2020). Brand Image Perception of Industrial Valve to the staff of Production Unit of Sugar Mills in Northeastern Region. Journal of KMITL Business School, 10(1), 112–130. Retrieved from
Research Article


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