Research Study to improve process safety through training By using the Why - Why Analysis principle and ECRS principles. Case study: Yakult (Thailand) Co., Ltd.

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จารุวรรณ จีระออน


The purpose of this research study is to study the Security check measures and improvement of the internal production process of Yakult (Thailand) Company Limited by going to study within the company from 25 November 2019 - 29 March 2020 to study on safety in the production process and find ways to improve productivity by using a Japanese image adjustment method and using concepts and theories known as the Why - Why Analysis and using ECRS principles with interviews from Parichat Kong-in, the quality control department, which found that

Yakult (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Regarding the production plant, there are measures to handle certain situations and prevention of hazards or accidents. There is excellent safety both in the rules that employees strictly follow to keep the staff clean, the equipment and the working area In the production plant, there were 0.67 accidents / 4 months and most of the problems were caused by the estimation of the employees.

From the research study it can be found that the company can improve their measures by staff training and giving advice on the improving process of safety. Using concepts and theories Why - Why Analysis and ECRS principles from the research team from 25 November 2019 - 29 March 2020, 4 months after the training found that the number of accidents has decreased from 0.67 times / 4 months to 0 times / 4 months, indicating that after the improvement, the number of accidents decreased by 100%, resulting in a safer production process.

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How to Cite
จีระออน จ. (2020). Research Study to improve process safety through training By using the Why - Why Analysis principle and ECRS principles. Case study: Yakult (Thailand) Co., Ltd. Journal of KMITL Business School, 10(1), 14–23. Retrieved from
Research Article


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