Consumers’ Behavior of Using Restaurants Based on Social Media Reviews

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Amornrat Preecharat
Wornchanok Chaiyasoonthorn


This research has the objective to 1) Study the differences in restaurant service behavior through reviews from social media, which is classified by demographic factors. 2) Study the differences in the behavior of using the restaurant service through reviews from social media, which is classified by marketing mix factors. Data were collected from the sample group by using 400 questionnaires. The research found that most of the respondents were female, age about 21-25 years, a career as a private company employee, and income is around 10,001-20,000 baht per month. The level of opinions about marketing mix factors is high on all sides. From the level of opinion, there is found that the number one is the product and service, the second is promotion, place, and price, respectively. Frequency of using social media to search for restaurant reviews are about 3-4 times per month. The cost of restaurant service is less than 500 baht per time. Demographic hypothesis testing found that different ages have different frequency of using restaurant through social media reviews. As for age, occupation, and income are different; there is also a cost of using restaurant services through social media reviews is different as well. The level of opinion on the marketing mix is different in terms of products and services, price, and place; there is a frequency of using restaurant services through social media reviews is different. Moreover, sides of products and services, price, place, and promotion are different; there is a cost of using the restaurant service through social media reviews are different as well, at the statistical significance level of 0.05.

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How to Cite
Preecharat, A., & Chaiyasoonthorn, W. (2019). Consumers’ Behavior of Using Restaurants Based on Social Media Reviews. Journal of KMITL Business School, 9(2), 209–219. Retrieved from


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