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สุชาดา สุดปัญญา
อภิวรรตน์ กรมเมือง


The purpose of this research is to study the satisfaction of co-working space users in Bangkok Metropolis. In this research, the population is co-working space users, choosing of 400 people, and the questioners are being used a tool for collecting data. To determine how the question on a test impacts the reliability, Cronbach’s alpha provided to measure the liability coefficient is that an alpha 0.883 indicated. The statistics methodologies are used in data analysis; descriptive statistics, which summarized data from a simple using indexes and the statistical process is used in predictive analysis; Multiple Linear Regression Analysis. From the test result there are various factors influencing satisfaction of co-working space are: Type of Consumer, Purpose of Use, Period of Use, and Expenditure. The finding of the study revealed the Marketing Factors that price, products, personnel or employee, process, physical appearance affects the satisfaction of users at statistics significant.

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How to Cite
สุดปัญญา ส., & กรมเมือง อ. (2017). SATISFACTION OF CO-WORKING SPACE USERS IN BANGKOK. Journal of KMITL Business School, 7(1), 1–11. Retrieved from
Research Article


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