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ปัญญาพล จันผ่อง
วอนชนก ไชยสุนทร


The purpose of this research was 1) To study the behavior of users who access to use the service of car showroom in central region of Thailand. 2) To study the level of satisfaction in the quality service of the car showroom business in central region of Thailand. 3) To comparative analysis between behaviors of users with of satisfaction in the quality service of the car showroom business in central region of Thailand by behavior classified with 400 questionnaires. The statistic used in the analysis were frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation by test a hypothesis with statistic One Way ANOVA. The results of the study indicated that 1) The behavior of service users of the car showroom business in the central region of Thailand. The purpose of using the car showroom is to bring car to check mileage. The reason for choosing to use the car showroom is good location and the property is easily accessible. The period of service is the period of time to check condition of the car. The average frequency of service is 1-2 times per year with the average cost per session is 5,001- 10,000 bathes per time which is popularly paid by cash. 2) The level of satisfaction in service quality from service users of business car showroom in the central of Thailand. Totally the level of satisfaction was high. This represent that service users are satisfied with the car showroom with a good location, easy to use, service with honesty, speed and prudence. Employees are enthusiastic and responsible. By recommend the knowledge, ability, guarantee award in quality including carefulness to customers and always verify customer satisfaction. 3) The behavior of the service users in terms of their objective, time of services and average service cost per time of car showroom in the central region of Thailand was different. The level of service satisfaction of car showroom in the central region of Thailand was significantly different at the level of 0.01. The behavior of service users in parts of reason to choose different service will have level of satisfaction for quality of service from car showroom in the central region of Thailand was different. There were statistically significant at the 0.05 level for behavior of service users during the service period and channel of payment service were different will have satisfaction level in quality of service from car showroom in central region of Thailand was not different. The achieve satisfaction in service quality should be on honesty, speed and prudence in service and should be available to those who use the service such as car wash tires, wheel balancers free when the car camei nto service.

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How to Cite
จันผ่อง ป., & ไชยสุนทร ว. (2018). SERVICE QUALITY SATISFACTION IN USING CAR SHOWROOMS IN THE CENTRAL REGION OF THAILAND. Journal of KMITL Business School, 8(2), 107–124. Retrieved from
Research Article


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