Guidelines for the tourism management of ethnic Hmong at Ban Toob Kho, Dan Sai district, Loei province

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ปิยาพร อภิสุนทรางกูร
ไทยโรจน์ พวงมณี
อิสริยาภรณ์ ชัยกุหลาบ


This qualitative research and aimed (1) to study the tourism context of Toob Kho village. Dan Sai District, Loei Province (2) to study the natural tourism management, history and culture Amphoe Dan Sai, Loei Province. The study used community tourism management theory, development concepts, and identity concepts in content analysis. There were 25 key informant were village headman, academic tourism, academicians village scholar, and villagers to share information. The study was conducted by using interviews, record forms, conferences, group discussions as a tool for data collection. Analysis of the data was analyzed by content analysis and then presented with an analytical depiction of the photographs. The study found that 1) Toob Kho village is a village in Dansai district of Loei Province, which had a specific identity as an ethnic group of settlers. They had a history of struggles, lifestyles, arts, culture, and traditions that could lead to the creation of a tourist attraction. In terms of tourism management by the community itself was not a clear form, but had been part of the tourism of Kok Saton and tourism of Loei Province. 2) The Toob Kho village’s tourism management approach found a need for a collaborative process in the implementation. There was a relevant section that could provide insights into tourism, promote and support budgets as sponsors. Then plan and share with the people in the community, set a community tourism development plan.

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How to Cite
อภิสุนทรางกูร ป., พวงมณี ไ., & ชัยกุหลาบ อ. (2018). Guidelines for the tourism management of ethnic Hmong at Ban Toob Kho, Dan Sai district, Loei province. Journal of KMITL Business School, 8(2), 15–28. Retrieved from
Research Article


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