Developing of Learning Achievement in Mathematics subject group using Active Learning 6-steps Method of adding two numbers with a sum not exceeding 9 of Students Prathom Suksa 1 Ban Nong Chum School

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Ketsuda Khemphan
Kochaporn Numnaphol
Niwat Sarakhun
Seangjun Kalam
Umaporn Wirat
Permporn Summart
Supahalaksana Kota


The objectives of this study were to 1) create and find out the effectiveness of the active learning plan 2) Find the effectiveness of active learning 3) Compare the achievement of active learning 6 steps before and after class and 4) Develop attitudes and desired characteristics in active learning in processing time: 1 semester. The sample used was 13 students, obtained through purposive sampling. The research tools were 1) pre test - post test, 2) student behavior observation form, 3) assessment form attitudes and desired characteristics of students and 4) Development tools include 12 plans. Statistics used include percentages, means and standard deviations, t-test Dependent

              The research results found that 1) Effectiveness of the active learning plan E1/E2 value was 86.14/83.42, indicating that the skill training was more effective than the set criteria of 75/75. 2) Effectiveness of active learning progress scores accounted for 81.94 percent. 3) Results of comparing the achievement of active learning the average score of the pre-test was 4.32 points and the average score after the test was 7.86 points. After learning is higher than before learning. They are significantly different at the .05 level. 4) Attitude in active learning overall was at the highest level use teaching media in a fun and interesting way. basic knowledge of students is measured before class and helping children study slowly and promoting children respectively As for the desired characteristics overall at the level good and excellent when considering each item, it was found that discipline and commitment to work and the eagerness to learn aspect were at the good and excellent levels. and group and individual learning behavior has a quality level that passes the criterion

Keywords: Academic achievement; Active Learning; Skills training

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How to Cite
Khemphan , K. ., Numnaphol, K. ., Sarakhun, N. ., Kalam, S. ., Wirat , U. ., Summart , P., & Kota , S. . (2024). Developing of Learning Achievement in Mathematics subject group using Active Learning 6-steps Method of adding two numbers with a sum not exceeding 9 of Students Prathom Suksa 1 Ban Nong Chum School. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(2), 321–333.
Research Articles


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