The Evaluation of the Assistance and the Student Care System Project in Sriwarin School The Secondary Education Service Area Office Narathiwat
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This research article the objectives are to 1) study the basic environmental factors of project management, 2) study the project management process, and 3) evaluate the results of project management of the student care and assistance system. The sample group used in the study was 260 administrators, teachers, students, and parents using a simple random sampling method. The tool used is a questionnaire for opinions regarding the evaluation of the administration of the student support system project. with a precision of 0.98. Data were analyzed by finding frequencies, percentages, averages, and standard deviations. The research results found that:
1) Evaluation of basic environmental factors found that those responsible for each aspect of the project were at the highest level. When considering each item, it was found that There are sufficient personnel to operate the student care and support system. It has the highest mean and the student aspect is at a high level. When considering each item, it was found that There are sufficient personnel to operate the student care and support system. has the highest mean 2) Process evaluation found that the person responsible for each aspect of the project was at the highest level. When considering each item, it was found that There are activities to promote and develop students with guidance activities. has the highest mean and the student aspect is at the highest level When considering each item, it was found that There are activities to promote and develop students with guidance activities. had the highest mean and 3) project management productivity, it was found that the person responsible for each aspect of the project was at the highest level. When considering each item, it was found that students had life skills. Be aware of various dangers that occur in society and be able to deal with problems that arise with yourself. has the highest mean. Students in each aspect are at the highest level. When considering each item, it was found that the dropout rate of students continues to decrease. has the highest mean and the parent aspect is at the highest level When considering each item, it was found that the rate of students not completing their courses on time has continued to decrease. has the highest average
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