The Effects of Using Learning Activities Based on Gamification in JavaScripts Topic Upon Learning Outcome and Data Visualization of Mattayomsuksa Students

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Wudhijaya Philuek
Rapikorn Chalongsuppunyoo
Nattawud Yamsang


This research aimed 1) to develop learning activities based on Gamification for teaching JavaScript in Creating Data Visualization for Mattayomsuksa students, and 2) to study the effect of learning activities based on Gamification for teaching JavaScript in Creating Data Visualization for Mattayomsuksa students. The sample group which used in this study was Mattayomsuksa 5 students of Chumseang Chanutid School, Nakhon Sawan Province in total 28 students which obtained by simple random sampling. Tools used were learning activity plan, learning achievement test, and Website in teaching JavaScript. Statistics used were Mean, Standard Deviation, and T-Test. The results revealed that:

            1) learning management plans based on Gamification for teaching JavaScript in Creating Data Visualization for Mattayomsuksa students showed that all 8 learning management plans have used Gamification process through rewarded coins in cooperated the enhancing learners involved learning, and 2) there was the posttest of learning achievement Learning score higher than pretest after learned by using learning management plans based on Gamification for teaching JavaScript in Creating Data Visualization with a statistical significance of .05

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How to Cite
Philuek, W. ., Chalongsuppunyoo, R. ., & Yamsang, N. . (2024). The Effects of Using Learning Activities Based on Gamification in JavaScripts Topic Upon Learning Outcome and Data Visualization of Mattayomsuksa Students. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(1), 378–390.
Research Articles


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