Integration into Real Life: Applying Phenomenon-based in The Learning Process

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Suwattana Sanguanrat
Chaiwat Waree


Using Phenomenon-based learning to enhance meaningful understanding and learning in students. Phenomena are real-life occurrences that happen all around us, serving as genuine data. Utilizing phenomena as the basis for learning helps students understand how to apply knowledge in real-life situations and fosters problem-solving skills for everyday challenges. Managing to learn through a phenomenon-based approach emphasizes interdisciplinary learning, connecting various fields of knowledge, and nurturing individuals to become well-rounded and complete. Learning through real-life phenomena is inherently inquiry-based, placing students at the center of the learning process, encouraging diverse perspectives through questioning, and leading them to find answers. Students are empowered to create knowledge by themselves, extending their learning beyond the conventional classroom to the broader world. Technology is utilized, promoting information exchange to enhance students' knowledge in the 21st-century reality and inspiring them to expand their knowledge in the ten dimensions of competence. This article presents essential concepts and key features of managing learning through phenomenon-based approaches, providing educators and stakeholders with practical insights to integrate learning effectively into real-life scenarios.

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How to Cite
Sanguanrat, S., & Waree, C. . (2024). Integration into Real Life: Applying Phenomenon-based in The Learning Process. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(1), 285–303.
Academic article


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