Development of The 2W3P Learning Activity Package with Phonics Foreign Language Department Secondary School Level 2 Thasaeratchadapisake School Chumphon Province

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Dararat Boonkaewsuk
Sirisawas Thongkanluang
Anchalee Sangarwut


The objective of this research was: 1) to develop the 2W3P learning activity package with phonics foreign language department (E1/E2) and the effectiveness index (E.I.) according to the criteria of 75/75 and 0.50 or more, 2) to compare academic achievement between pretest and posttest, 3) to compare the English vocabulary pronunciation skills of students between pretest and posttest, and 4) to study the satisfaction of students after using the English learning activity package. It was the one group experimental research with pretest and posttest design. The sample was the 2nd year high school student of Thasaeratchadapisake School, the 1st semester of the academic year 2022, amount 40 people. The tools used in the research were: a set of 7 English learning activities with accuracy and suitability with averages of 4.07-4.23, 7 lesson plans with accuracy and suitability with averages of 4.20-4.40: an achievement test, 30 items, with difficulty values of 0.58-0.80, discrimination power values of 0.28-0.67, and a reliability value of 0.93 and a questionnaire of student satisfaction toward learning activity package, 20 items, with discriminant power of 0.84-0.97 and a reliability value of 0.99. Data were analyzed using basic statistics, including percentage and t-test. The results showed that:

            1) the English learning activity set had an efficiency of 85.43/90.50, higher than the specified criteria, and the effectiveness index value of 0.79, which meets the specified criteria, 2) the students had an average of 27.15 points posttest was higher than an average of 16.40 points pretest, with a statistical significance at the .05 level. 3) the students had an average English vocabulary pronunciation of 26.30 points posttest was higher than an average of 14.85 points pretest, with a statistical significance at the .05 level, and 4) the student's satisfaction toward learning with the English learning activity package was an average of 4.34 at the high level.

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How to Cite
Boonkaewsuk, D., Thongkanluang, S. ., & Sangarwut, A. . (2024). Development of The 2W3P Learning Activity Package with Phonics Foreign Language Department Secondary School Level 2 Thasaeratchadapisake School Chumphon Province. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(1), 179–192.
Research Articles


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