English Communication Strategies of Business English Students During Co-operative Education

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Acharin Chitprarop


This research aimed to 1) explore the English communication strategies used by high and low-English proficiency Business English students during cooperative education and 2) compare the English communication strategies used by Business English students between the two groups during cooperative education. The participants were 60 fourth-year students majoring in Business English at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna and were selected by purposive sampling technique. The high and low-English proficiency groups consisted of 27% of the whole students. The research tool was a English communication strategies questionnaires with Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.89 and a semi-structured interview about problem-solving in English communication and English communication strategies. Data analysis used frequency distribution, percentage,      t-test, and content analysis. The results of the study showed that:

            This research aims to: 1) explore the English communication strategies employed by proficient and less proficient students of Business English during their cooperative education training, and 2) compare the use of English communication strategies between proficient and less proficient student groups during cooperative education training. The population consists of fourth-year students majoring in Business English at Rajamangala University of Technology Lanna, totaling 60 individuals enrolled in the cooperative education management course. The sample groups comprised proficient and less proficient students, identified using the cluster sampling method based on 27% criterion-referenced measurement theory. Each group consisted of 16 individuals and 32 individuals overall. The research tools included a questionnaire on English communication strategies with a reliability coefficient of 0.89 and semi-structured interviews on problem-solving methods and communication strategies. Data analysis involved frequency distribution, percentage, t-test, and content analysis.

            The research findings revealed that: 1) During cooperative education training, the proficient students most frequently utilized negotiation strategies for mutual understanding during speaking and employed strategies to aid interpretation during listening. Conversely, the less proficient students employed communication strategies such as simplification and reducing high content to address speaking issues, and they utilized beginner listener strategies to solve listening problems. 2) There are statistically significant differences (p < .05) in the use of English communication strategies between proficient and less proficient student groups during cooperative education training. The proficient students employed three more problem-solving strategies in speaking compared to less proficient students, including social-affective strategies, fluency-oriented strategies, and scanning strategies. On the other hand, the less proficient students used two more communication strategies than the proficient students, which included message abandonment and less active listener strategies.

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How to Cite
Chitprarop, A. (2024). English Communication Strategies of Business English Students During Co-operative Education. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 7(1), 67–79. https://doi.org/10.2774.EDU2024.1.262889
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