Chinese Language Learning Achievements at Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project by China International Language and Culture College at Krirk University

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ฺBoochita Butsamalee
Nut Chiangthong


The purposes of this research were 1) to compare the student achievement Chinese learning before and after of Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project by China International Language and Culture College Krirk University, and 2) to study satisfaction of Chinese language learning at Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project by China International Language and Culture College at Krirk University This research was the quantitative research. the sample was 20 people in Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project, and selected by all participants. The instrument of the research were 1) Chinese language learning package, using the content of HSK1-3 structure from the International Curriculum for Chinese Language Education, 2) Achievement test between before and after study, and 3) The satisfaction questionnaire for Chinese language learning at Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project. All of research instrument the researchers was checked by 3 expertise to evaluate for IOC which the researcher had set and The all result was passed. The research results were found as follows;

            1) The Chinese language learning achievement of Don Muang Community Academic Service Project was Compared that it was found the after learning scores were higher than before learning at the statistically significance at the .05 level, and 2) The satisfaction result of Chinese language learning at Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project found that the participants had the highest level of satisfaction with an average of 4.70.

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How to Cite
Butsamalee ฺ., & Chiangthong, N. . (2023). Chinese Language Learning Achievements at Don Mueang Community Academic Service Project by China International Language and Culture College at Krirk University. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(3), 188–198.
Research Articles


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