Guidelines for Operation of the Student Care and Support System in the Situation of COVID-19 of Small Schools Under Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1

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Wilairat Butchat
Teeppipat Suntawan
Supachai Tawee



The objective of this research is to: 1) study the problem of operating a student assistance system in the context of COVID-19 in small schools under the supervision of the educational district office in Nakhon Sawan, District 1; 2) find ways to operate a student assistance system in the context of COVID-19; and 3) evaluate the implementation of the student assistance system in the context of COVID-19. The sample group consists of 274 school administrators and teachers from small schools from opening tables Krejcie and Morgan and simple randomization. The tools used in this research include questionnaires, group conversation records, and evaluation forms for the student assistance system in the context of COVID-19 get a precision of 0.97. The statistical methods used for data analysis include mean, standard deviation, and content analysis. The research found that. 3) evaluate guidelines for operation of the student care and support system from 30 school directors and teachers using purposive random sampling. Research tool was evaluation forms. The statistics used to analyze the data were mean and standard deviation.

            1) The problem of operating a student support system in the COVID-19 situation in a small school was generally high. Upon considering each aspect, it was found that the aspect with the highest problem was the personal knowledge of individual students, student screening, prevention and problem-solving, student promotion and development, and student referral in that order. 2) The operational guidelines for student support systems in the COVID-19 situation involved the school holding meetings to plan and raise awareness of student support in the COVID-19 situation. There should have been follow-up planning and meetings with parents in both on-site and online formats, and 3) The evaluation of the operational guidelines for student support systems in the COVID-19 situation in a small school included five aspects: personal knowledge of individual students, student screening, promotion and development, prevention and problem-solving, and student referral. Overall, all five aspects were at a high level.

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How to Cite
Butchat, W., Suntawan, T. ., & Tawee, S. . (2023). Guidelines for Operation of the Student Care and Support System in the Situation of COVID-19 of Small Schools Under Nakhon Sawan Primary Educational Service Area Office 1. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(3), 135–146.
Research Articles


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