The Development of Lifelong Learning Video Media to Promote Social Engineering Skills for Lampang Rajabhat University Students

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Kanitkan Pankaew
Promote Prommakan


The objectives of this study were to 1) create and determine the efficiency of video media to promote lifelong learning management which was identified as 80/80 and 2) compare the social engineering skills before and after using video media. The sample used to determine efficacy consisted of nine social engineering students who were interested in participating in this project. Moreover, the sample which used to assess social engineering skills was 30 Lampang Rajabhat University social engineering students who were willing to participate and spent the time on the workshop 8 days, 6 hours per day. The tools were a social engineering skills assessment form with a rating scale and four episodes of video media, two of which were about herbal products and two about food processing. The statistics used for the analysis was percentage, average, and standard deviation. The research findings were as follows:

            1) The video media which promote lifelong learning consisted of four parts, 1) Herbal shampoo and treatment, 2) Balm, 3) Grilled Tilapia Chili Paste, and 4) Butter baked banana, was appropriate at a high level and the efficiency was 82.08/83.87 which was within the assigned standardized criteria. 2) Students' social engineering skills were higher after using video media than before. The ability to collaborate with others had the highest average, with a 4.31 average at a high level, followed by communication skills, critical thinking skills, and innovation skills, with averages of 4.25, 4.15 and 3.89 at a high level.

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How to Cite
Pankaew, K. ., & Prommakan, P. . (2023). The Development of Lifelong Learning Video Media to Promote Social Engineering Skills for Lampang Rajabhat University Students. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(2), 39–49.
Research Articles


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