Factors Affecting Intention to Enroll in Bachelor of Science, Sports Science and Health of Thailand National Sport University, Angthong Campus

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Kritwiput Phaobkaew


This research aimed to study factors affecting intention to enroll in Bachelor of Science, SportsScience of Thailand National Sports University, Angthong Campus.The research hadstudied about 4 factors affecting intention to enroll in Bachelor of Sports Science:an image of the organization, curriculum, teachers,and self-reason. The sample groupconsisted of 52 first-yearstudents entering the Bachelor of Science, Sports Science of Thailand National Sports University, Angthong Campus, in the academic year 2022. The research instrument was a questionnaire that had a 5-level ratio scale with a total confidence value of 0.81. Thequestionnaire was used for exploring the first-year students’ opinions on factors affecting intention to enroll in Bachelor of Science, Sports Science of Thailand National Sports University, Angthong Campus.The statistics used for the research were percentage, mean and standard deviation.

            Overall, factors affecting intention to enroll in Bachelor of Science, Sports Science of Thailand National Sports University, Angthong Campus, were at a high level.There were concluded that the teachers andcurriculum of Thailand National Sports University, Angthong Campus were at the highest level of the students’ opinions, but the self-reason of the students was at the lowest level of the students’ opinions.

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How to Cite
Phaobkaew, . K. . (2023). Factors Affecting Intention to Enroll in Bachelor of Science, Sports Science and Health of Thailand National Sport University, Angthong Campus. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 6(1), 227–237. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edunsrujo/article/view/259519
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