A Strategic Management Development to the Goals to Enhance Organization for Educational Innovation in Small Size School under the Lampang Primary Educational Service Area Office 2
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The objectives of this research were to 1) analyze strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results,
2) create and inspect, 3) implement, and 4) evaluate the strategic management development to the goals to enhance organization for educational innovation in small size schools. A sample of 302 people were selected in analyzing strengths, opportunities, aspirations, and results, 8 experts in creating and inspecting strategies, and 30 informants in implementing and evaluating the strategies. The tools were questionnaires, group discussion topics, draft strategies, reflection form and evaluation form. The data were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation and content analysis. The results were as follows;
- The analysis revealed that (1) strengths consisted of teachers’ participation, teamwork culture, and the use of ICT in administration and learning management, (2) opportunities consisted of networks’ participation, (3) inspiration consisted of teachers’ intension in creating learning innovation, and (4) good results that will occur consisted of teachers’ competency in learning management in the digital age, students’ attributes and achievements, and participation in education administration.
- The creating and inspecting revealed that the main strategies consisted of (1)enhancing administration efficiency with digital technology, (2) developing teacher innovators’ capability in their learning management in the digital age, (3) developing learners’ quality with happy learning management environment, and (4) creating partner networks in education administration participation. The strategic suitability inspection revealed that the overall were at a high level. 3) The implementation showed that regulations to promote administration and learning management should be set up in the appropriate strategy through innovation, suitable technology, and the use of social cost and community resources in educational administration. 4) The strategic evaluation showed that the benefits were at the highest level in overall and the feasibility was at a high level.
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