Losing Creativity Thinking of Students in the 21st Century Education

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Nattakarn Poomkornsan


            Human has creativity thinking since they were born according to the theory of the psychologist in humanistic theory of creativity group. However, creative skill of each person is depending on their life experience, including nurture, environment, learning, social and culture. The advance of technologies and various appliances nowadays are form human intelligence, creativity and ability to create inventions to facilitate a more quality of lifestyles, for example, creating various kind of vehicles for travelling easily and quicky, using industrial machinery to increase productivity and reduce costs, and developing communication devices. It cannot be denied that all new ideas and innovations are based on human learning and creativity. Therefore, if people in a country have creative skills, this will be a factor leading to the development and civilization of that country. In the 21st century, the age of technology and innovation, machines and robots are increasingly being used instead of human labor, children should be developed and promoted in lifelong skills learning other than academic knowledge in order to live in a rapid change and unpredictable world.

            Academic management platform in Thailand nowadays is still traditional education which focus on exams to get good grades, emphasis on passing or failing competitions, and centralized study courses, the courses are not caused by needs of learners, communities and societies. Moreover, family upbringing and environments also results in the fear of giving wrong answer, do not dare to think, speak out, and do what they want, these are one of many factors that cause the losing of children’s creativity.

            Creativity thinking is a skill that can be taught and developed as creativity comes from the experience of each person. Thus, it is a challenge to Thai education system including teachers and parents who will be important person forcing the development and promoting creative skills in students to prepare them for their future work and life in the 21st century. 

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How to Cite
Poomkornsan, N. . (2022). Losing Creativity Thinking of Students in the 21st Century Education. Education journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(1), 1–9. retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/edunsrujo/article/view/252534
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