The Results of The Administration Educational School in Malayu Model to The Local Sufficiency School Towards Thessabal 2 School (Ban Malayubangkok)

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Thongman Sitthikan


The purposes of this study were 1) to study the current condition, problems and needs of educational institution administration in the Malayu model. The data providers were the basic education committees, working groups and experts, a total of 82 research instruments were interviewed, data were analyzed by content analysis,  2) to design and create a model for the outcomes of the Malay educational Institution Management model the informant is 5 experts. Tools used in the research. model assessment form the data were analyzed by using the mean and standard deviation, 3) to experiment with the Malayu school management model, the data provider was the deputy director of academic affairs and a total of 20 working groups. The research tools were as follows: model assessment form analyze the data by finding the mean and standard deviation and 4) to assess the satisfaction towards The Malay School Administration Model The data providers were the basic education committees, working groups, students and students' parents, totaling 444 people. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results showed that:

            1) Current condition Problems and needs in school administration found that school administration was caused by problems in school administration.  2) The model of educational institution management in the Malayu model towards becoming a local sufficiency school consists of  (1) M :4 M Production Process (2) E- Enhancement and Integration  (3) L : Local Sefficiency Economy School  (4) A : Ability  (5) Y : Yield and (6) U : United, is overall appropriate at a high level.  3) The experimental use of the Malayu school management model, found that the aspect with the highest mean was school administration and the aspect with the lowest average was the personnel development of educational institutions.  4) The committee of basic education institutions had the highest satisfaction with the educational style of school administration, while the working group, students and parents were at a high level.

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How to Cite
Sitthikan, T. (2022). The Results of The Administration Educational School in Malayu Model to The Local Sufficiency School Towards Thessabal 2 School (Ban Malayubangkok). Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(2), 113–124. Retrieved from
Research Articles


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