Services Quality Components Affected Behavioral Intentions of Personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office

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tarinee kittikanjanasophon
Ariya Phuwakerewiwat
Benjaporn Ranrana


The purpose of this research were 1) to study the services quality components in Somsanook Nadong School Group under BuengKan Primary Educational Service Area Office 2) to study the behavioral intentions of personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group and 3) to study the relationship of the services quality components affected the behavioral intentions of personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group. The sample were 286 personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group under BuengKan Primary Educational Service Area Office consisted of 286 people using a simple random sampling method. The research tools were the service quality component questionnaire that affects the personnel's behavioral intentions. Data were analyzed by percentage, mean and standard deviation. The results of the research were found that;

            1) the services quality components in Somsanook Nadong School Group under BuengKan Primary Educational Service Area Office. In overall and each aspect were at the highest level, 2) the behavioral intentions of personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group under  BuengKan Primary Educational Service Area Office, in overall and each aspect were at the highest level and 3) the relationship of the services quality components affected the behavioral intentions of personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group under  BuengKan Primary Educational Service Area Offices were as follows: the efficiency of personnel interactions had a significant positive affected on the quality of service at the .05 level. The operating environment had a positive affected on service quality at .01 level. Service quality had a significant positive affected on the behavioral intentions, loyalty and bonds at .05 level.


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How to Cite
kittikanjanasophon, tarinee, Phuwakerewiwat, A. ., & Ranrana, B. (2022). Services Quality Components Affected Behavioral Intentions of Personnels in Somsanook Nadong School Group under Buengkan Primary Educational Service Area Office. Education Journal Faculty of Education, Nakhon Sawan Rajabhat University, 5(2), 17–25. Retrieved from
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