Creating a Collaborative Mechanism for Preserving and Protecting the Common Social and Cultural Heritage Wisdom of ASEAN Mainland Region : Thailand, Laos and Cambodia


  • วัชราภรณ์ จันทนุกูล คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี


Collaborative Mechanism, Preservation, Protection, Wisdom, Inheritance


This article was a part of research on the topic “a cooperative mechanism to perpetuate and preserve the wisdom as a common social and cultural identity : Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. This aimed to establish the collaborative mechanism for preserving and protecting the social and cultural heritage wisdom of ASEAN mainland region. The data resources were (1) the related document and evidence; concepts, theories and researches, and (2) the target population were; Buddhist monks, scholars, knowers, expertise, operators and the officers from organization related social and culture; public, private and civil sector including education institute in 3 countries; they were selected by snow ball sampling for 21 persons. The data was analyzed by content analysis. The research results were as follow; Collaborative mechanism for preserving and protecting the social and cultural heritage wisdom of ASEAN Region: Thailand, Laos and Cambodia consist of 6 aspects namely; (1) Policies; setting the policy clearly which can be implemented and can be the agenda of organization. (2) National organization; encourage and promote proactive work such as policy for preserving and protecting the social and cultural heritage wisdom of ASEAN. (3) Educational Organization; creating the knowledge and understanding on the social and cultural heritage wisdom of ASEAN, promotion of learning centers or social and cultural exhibitions, encourage local people to know the dynamic changing and collaborate with other partners. (4) Civil sector organization; strengthening of community as the guardian for maintaining and monitoring. (5) Public sector organization; establish the representative or volunteer as the cultural descendants and cultural transfers. And (6) Religion organization; campaign the spiritual cultivation to access the culture and arts, cultural conservation, consciousness in conservation of arts and culture and to be leader on attendance the archaeological sites.


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How to Cite

จันทนุกูล ว. (2018). Creating a Collaborative Mechanism for Preserving and Protecting the Common Social and Cultural Heritage Wisdom of ASEAN Mainland Region : Thailand, Laos and Cambodia. Journal of Graduate School, Pitchayatat, Ubon Ratchathani Rajabhat University, 13(2), 173–185. Retrieved from



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