Development of Instructional Packages on Teaching for Thai Writing for Forth Years Undergraduate Students in Faculty of Education Burapha University
Instructional packages, Teaching Thai writingAbstract
The purposes of the study were 1) to develop an instructional packages on “Teaching for Thai Writing for Fourth Year Undergraduate Students” in Faculty of Education, Burapha University to achieve the efficient criterion of E1/ E2 = 80/ 80, 2) to compare the scores of the pre-test and post-test of the learner offer learning with instructional packages, 3) to validate the instructional packages efficiency and, 4) to study students’ satisfaction towards the instructional packages after learning. The sample consisted of 38 fourth year undergraduate students in the academic year 2016 in the Faculty of Education Burapha University. The participants were selected through cluster random sampling. The research instruments consisted of two instructional packages on Thai writing teaching and the 30 multiple choice questions on Thai writing teaching. The statistics used for data analysis, mean, standard deviation and t-test (dependent sample). The findings indicated that the two instructional packages had the efficiency value of 81.00/ 81.94 which met the efficiency standard of the E1/E2 criteria and the post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores with a level of significance at .01 and the students’ satisfaction was at 4.57 which considered was at the highest level. The findings indicated that the two instructional packages had the efficiency value of 81.00/81.94 which met the efficiency standard of the E1/E2 criteria and the post-test scores were higher than the pre-test scores with a level of significance at .01 and the students’ satisfaction was at 4.57 which considered was at the highest level.
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