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This research article aimed to: 1) study the current and desirable states of academic management based on the concept of media literacy; 2) explore the priority needs of academic management of Potisarnpittayakorn School based on the concept of media literacy. It applied descriptive research. The population used in this research was Potisarnpittayakorn School. The informants were 5 administrators and 120 teacher of Potisarnpittayakorn School, totally 125 people. The research tools were a questionnaire on the current state and the desirable state of academic administration at Potisarnpittayakorn School according to the concept of media literacy Statistics used in data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and priority need index (PNI-modified). The research results showed that the current state of academic management of Potisarnpittayakorn School based on the concept of media literacy was, overall, at a high level (PNImodified), while the desirable state was, overall, at the highest level and the overall desirable condition was at the highest level. The highest need for development was evaluation (PNImodified = 0.271), followed by school curriculum development (PNImodified =0.232) and learning process development (PNI modified = 0.219), respectively. The above research results showed the need to promote the development of academic administration for learners to have media literacy so that students can choose to receive, analyze, and evaluate the credibility of the media and be able to apply the information obtained from it. The media can be used for the benefit of daily life. avoiding victimized by any distorted information and being able to wisely and consciously consume the media.
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