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Nawin Pinitapirak
Trirat Sittitune


The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the competencies of the basic education school administrators, and 2) to suggest guidelines for the development of the competencies of the basic education school administrators under the primary education service area office, Samutprakarn District 1. There were 2 research steps: 1) Competency studies by using quantitative research and collected by questionnaires from 63 school administrators, and data were analyzed by percentage, mean, and standard deviation, and 2) suggesting guidance on competency development by using qualitative research to interview 5 experts, and data were analyzed by content analysis.  Results of the research were as follows: 1) the competencies of the basic education school administrators in overall was at a high level in practices. When considering each aspect, it was found that it was at a high level in practices in all 12 aspects. 2) Guidelines for the development of the competencies of the basic education school administrators under the primary education service area office, Samutprakarn District 1 consisted of (1) the determination of achievement by organizing the information system in systematically, (2) accumulating professional expertise with self-development at all times, 3) Strategic management by formulating a clear development plan,  (4) academic leadership by developing knowledge of academic administration, (5) ethics, adhering to correctness, acting with integrity, managing according to principles Governance, (6) problem solving and decision making by practicing correct problem solving skills and techniques, (7) leadership of change by applying change to educational institutions, (8) teamwork with participatory management, (9) educational technology management with the use of technology in teaching and learning, (10) evaluation and monitoring of educational results by learning the principles of monitoring and evaluation systematically, (11) having communication and motivational skills through learning psychological techniques of work, and (12) having good service skills with appropriate service mind.

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How to Cite
Pinitapirak, N., & Sittitune, T. (2021). THE COMPETENCIES OF BASIC EDUCATION SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS UNDER THE OFFICE OF PRIMARY EDUCATION SERVICE AREA, SAMUTPRAKARN DISTRICT 1. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 328–342. Retrieved from
Research Article


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