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Phrametheepariyatthada (Boonprom Carupuñño)
Phramha Siriwattana Siriwatcharaworakun
Sewanee Sikkhabundit
SiriKarn Tanawutpornpinit
Chompoonuch Changcharoen
Ranee Jeansuti


The objectives of this research paper are 1 ) to study the condition of the quality assurance management system for the education quality assurance of Buddhist temples in Buddhist temples; 2 ) to develop the management system for the quality assurance of the education quality assurance for the charity schools of Buddhist temples; 3 ) To test the management system for educational quality assurance in Buddhist temples' charitable schools. 4) To assess the quality assurance management system for Buddhist temples' charitable school education. Central Province. It is a mixed research method. The research sample consisted of 103 persons, interviews with 5 experts and in-depth interviews with 9 experts. The research tools were questionnaires, assessment forms, semi-structured interviews. and analyze the data with basic statistical values by finding the frequency, percentage, arithmetic mean standard deviation The statistics used to compare the learn. The results of the research found that 1) Analysis of opinions about the management of quality assurance charity school of Buddhist temples in the central region as a whole is performing at a high level. When considering each aspect, it was found that the practice was at a high level in all aspects. 2) The results of the development of educational quality assurance management system for charity schools of Buddhist temples in central provinces consisted of 2 components: (1) quality assurance within educational institutions: 1) setting educational standards; 2) Develop an educational management development plan, 3) Implement an educational management development plan, 4) educational quality evaluation and inspection, 5) follow-up on educational quality assessment results, 6) an annual educational quality report, and 7) continually develop educational institutions to have quality; and (2) K-PDCA management system consists of 5 steps: 1) Knowledge: K 2) Plan: P 3) Do: D 4) Check: C and 5) Act: A. 3) The results of the experiment showed that the scores after school were higher than before. There was a statistically significant difference at the .05 level. 4) The results of the assessment found that the issues in the audit were; knowledge education planning implementation of the plan auditing correction. These are 5 possibilities and the most useful.

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How to Cite
(Boonprom Carupuñño), P., Siriwatcharaworakun, P. S., Sikkhabundit, S., Tanawutpornpinit, S., Changcharoen, C., & Jeansuti, R. (2021). DEVELOPMENT OF EDUCATION QUALITY ASSURANCE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM IN THE CHARITABLE SCHOOLS OF BUDDHIST TEMPLES AREAS OF CENTRAL PROVINCES. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 1–15. Retrieved from
Research Article


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