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Phra Thong Butdee
Sansanee Jasuwan


The objectives of  this research were to study the components of innovative organizations in 4.0 era, and to propose guidelines for the development of innovative organizations in 4.0 era of Phrapariyattidhamma School, Department of General Education. The target group used in this research consisted of 17 experts with experience in educational administration and innovative organizations. The research instrument was interview form. The statistics used in the study were interquartile range and content analysis. Results showed that the components of innovative organizations in 4.0 era of Phrapariyattidhamma School, Department of General Education consisted of  15 key elements: 1) improvement of the innovation organizational structure, 2) the cooperation of vision, mission, and goals of the innovation organization, 3) focus on the importance of people, 4 ) creating motivation for innovation creation, 5) promoting schools as a learning organization, 6) human capital management, (7) corporate culture for promoting innovation, 8) creating an innovation ecosystem in the organization, (9) promotion creativity, (10) innovative leader, (11) effective teamwork, (12) knowledge management, 13) networking, 14) technology promotion, and 15) external factors. The development of innovative organizations in 4.0 era of Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Department consisted of 15 elements: 1) an approach to improving the structure of innovative organizations in 4.0 era, 2) guideline of cooperation in creating a vision, mission, goals, strategy of innovative organizations in 4.0 era, 3) guideline for focusing on the importance of personnel, 4) guidelines for creating motivation for innovation creation, 5) guidelines for promoting schools as an innovative learning organization to create innovation, 6) guidelines for human capital management, 7) guidelines for promoting organizational culture to create innovation, 8) guidelines for creating an innovative ecosystem in the organization, 9) guidelines for promoting creativity, 10) Guidelines for promoting innovative leaders, 11) guidelines for promoting effective teamwork, 12) guidelines for knowledge management for school personnel, 13) networking guidelines, 14) guidelines technology promotion, and 15) guidelines for promoting external factors which has shown interquartine range of each element between 0.50 - 1.00.

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How to Cite
Butdee, P. T., & Jasuwan, S. (2021). THE GUIDELINE FOR INNOVATION LEARNING DEPARFMENT ENTERPRISE 4.0 ERA OF THE PHRAPARIYATTIDHAM SCHOOL. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 8(2), 67–84. Retrieved from
Research Article


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