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Palisa Suntornsawate


This research article aims to 1) compare the score before and after using online tools for the Basic Reading course 2) study the first year English major students’ satisfaction towards learning management using online tools and 3) study the first year English major students’ satisfaction towards online tools in aspect of content, design and implementation. The sample group used in the research was the 25 first year English major students selected by purposive random sampling. The research instruments were the lesson plan, the foreign university websites with 10 topics of reading skill, the activity worksheet (Learning through website List) which indicated the navigations linking to foreign university website, the work sheet, the reading comprehension test which was used to measure the score before and after the study, the satisfaction assessment questionnaire towards the learning management using online tools and the satisfaction assessment questionnaire towards online tools in aspect of content, design, and implementation. The data were statistically analyzed using the mean and t-test. The findings of the research were as follows: 1) The learners’ scores after using online tools were higher than before using online tools at the level of p-value 0.009 statistically significant. 2) The satisfaction towards learning management using online tools was at the most level in overall with the mean of 3.49. 3) The satisfaction towards online tools was at the most level in overall in aspect of content, design, and implementation with the mean of 3.18, 3.01, and 3.66 consecutively.

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How to Cite
Suntornsawate, P. (2022). THE USE OF ONLINE TOOLS FOR DEVELOPING ENGLISH READING SKILLS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 9(3), 38–55. retrieved from
Research Article


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