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The objectives of this dissertation are 1) to study the characteristics of life goal setting of high school students; 2) to analyze and synthesize Buddhist Principles and Psychological Principles on Buddhist psychological life goal setting of high school students; 3) to present a model of Buddhist psychological life goal setting of high school students in Bangkok. The was conducted in the form of a qualitative research using an in-depth interview to collect data from 17 key informants including specialists in Buddhism, psychology, school administrators, teachers, parents, and students, and from a focus group discussion with 9 experts. A content analysis was used for analyzing data, and its results were used for developing the model of Buddhist psychological life goal setting of high school students in Bangkok. Results of the study were as follows: 1) The characteristics of life goal setting of high school students included 2 elements, namely; (1) internal perception factors consisting of education, occupation and personal and social factors; and (2) reinforcing factors consisting of 3 dimensions, namely, parents, teachers, and friends. 2) An analysis and synthesis of Buddhist Principles and Psychological Principles on Buddhist psychological life goal setting of high school students found an integration of Buddhist Principles and Psychological Principles consisting of (1) Itthibat 4 or four bases for success referring to will, effort, thoughtfulness, and reasoning, (2) Atthithansadhama 4 referring to wisdom, being honest, donation, and tranquility; and (3) life meaning, and (4) self-efficacy. And 3) A model of Buddhist psychological life goal setting of high school students in Bangkok consisted of (1) importance of goal setting, (2) goal setting and assessment, (3) attention in possible achievement, (4) reviewing, and (5) time setting. There are 4 forms of knowledge obtained from the study including (1) having life goal of 3 dimensions, (2) realizing a value of goal setting, (3) having life map, and (4) having future pictures.
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