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Phramaha Suwat Senpeng
Narong Pimsan
Nakamon Punchakhetthikul


The objective of this research article was to develop the Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration Model, Department of General Education Conforming to 21st Century Changes. Three steps of research design were conducted. The first step was to study the condition and guidelines for the Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration, General Education Department in the present by using questionnaires to collect data from representative samples, who were school administrators and administrative assistant of all four departments of Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration, General Education Department, the 9th Group has of 118 samples. The second step was to develop and try out the Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration Model, Department of General Education Conforming to 21st Century Changes by interviewing 7 key informants.  The third step was to evaluate the Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration Model, Department of General Education Conforming to 21st Century Changes by using evaluation form of usefulness and feasibility from representative samples, who were school administrators and administrative assistant of all four departments of Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration, General Education Department, the 9th Group has of 118 people (30 samples of school administrators and 88 samples of school administrative assistant). Data were analyzed by using descriptive statistics consisted of percentage, mean and standard deviation. Research results indicated that 1) the overall of the conditions and guidelines for the Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration, General Education Department in 21st century in the present has a high level of practice in all four areas, which were general administration, personnel management, budget management, and academic administration, respectively. 2) Developed model and try out of the Phrariyatidhamma School Administration Model, Department of General Education Conforming to 21st Century Changes consisted of four administrative principles consisted of (1) academic administration, (2) budget administration, (3) personnel management, (4) general administration. 3) Results of evaluation the usefulness and feasibility of implementing the Phrapariyattidhamma School Administration Model, Department of General Education Conforming to 21st Century Changes were at highest levels.

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How to Cite
Senpeng, P. S., Pimsan, N., & Punchakhetthikul, N. (2020). PHRARIYATIDHAMMA SCHOOL ADMINISTRATION MODEL, DEPARTMENT OF GENERAL EDUCATION CONFORMING TO 21ST CENTURY CHANGES. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(3), 266–282. Retrieved from
Research Article


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