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Phrakrupalad Thanakrishna Kittipañño (Ritnaka)
Suddhipong Srivichai
Peeravat Chaisuk


The objectives of this research paper were 1) to study the state of academic administration in Buddhist temple charity schools, 2) to study the process of academic administration development, and 3) to propose the process of academic administration development for Buddhist temple charity schools. Mixed methods research was designed and there were 3 steps of research, which were step 1: studying the state of academic administration using questionnaire to collect 375 teachers. Step 2 studied the academic administration development process by interviewing 20 key informants. Step 3 was to propose the process of academic administration development by organizing a focus group discussion from 9 experts. Research results found that 1) the academic administration in the charitable schools of the temples in Buddhism in all 5 aspects at a high level in all aspects. 2) The process of academic administration development for Buddhist temple charity schools consisted of (1) school curriculum educational management that developed learners with knowledge and competency in order to develop learners, communities, and society to have quality according to learning standards and encourage learners to know themselves to live happily in society, (2) learning management taught providing appropriate experiences for students to practice in order to learn and change behavior for the better, (3) management of teaching media, materials or methods that are intermediaries or carriers to transfer knowledge, attitude skills and experience to learners, (4) educational supervision, assistance, guidance, clarification services to enhance teaching, and (5) evaluation and measurement, judgments about the quality or value of the work through the evaluation of students' learning. 3) The development of academic administration as for the charity schools of the temples in Buddhism, it consisted of 4 components which were (1) the principles refer to the principle of school administration and the principle of academic administration of the school, (2) purpose, (3) the operation system, and (4) the academic process in all 5 areas.

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How to Cite
Kittipañño (Ritnaka), P. T., Srivichai, S., & Chaisuk, P. (2020). PROCESS OF ACADEMIC ADMINISTRATION DEVELOPMENT FOR BUDDHIST TEMPLE CHARITY SCHOOLS. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(2), 39–52. retrieved from
Research Article


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