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Phatsakon Wiwanthamongkhon
Sirirat Chaona


The purpose of this research was to Investigate of 6th Grade Students’ Attitudes towards Mathematics through Active Learning. The target Group used in this research were 20 samples of 6th Grade Students in the Municipality of Wat Rattanachai School. the research instruments were the attitude towards mathematics of 6th Grade Students and the structured interview form. The statistics used for data analysis are mean and standard deviation. Content analysis. The research found that Attitudes towards mathematics of 6th Grade Students receiving proactive learning management. Overall, the students were in the highest level of satisfaction. When considering each aspect, it was found that 1) Regarding quality of learning, it was found that with good attitudes towards mathematics. Gain knowledge and skills Thought process creativity from action Feel happy Fun to learn More assertive In addition. 2) Regarding teachers, it was found that in which the students felt more interested in mathematics from the teachings of the teachers that enable students to gain knowledge and understand mathematics. Fun learning Happy to study 3) Regarding the teaching and learning media, it was found that the students learned with appropriate teaching and learning media from various learning activities that corresponds to the interests of students Including learning outside the classroom Creating a fun learning atmosphere Makes it able to learn and understand math more, and 4) Regarding the learning management process, it was found that in which the students received fun knowledge and understanding in mathematics. Have knowledge skills Developed the thinking process Know love unity and more courageous.

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Wiwanthamongkhon, P., & Chaona, S. (2020). AN INVESTIGATION OF 6TH GRADE STUDENTS’ ATTITUDES TOWARDS MATHEMATICS THROUGH ACTIVE LEARNING. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(3), 85–95. Retrieved from
Research Article


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