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Phrakrupirotkitjathorn (Sakul Subhaddo)
Suddhipong Srivichai
Somsak Boonpoo


The purposes of this research article were 1) to study the characteristics of school administrators in primary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration, 2) to develop primary school administrators according to Sangahavatthu IV principle, and 3) to propose the development process for school administrators according to Sangahavatthu IV principle. Mixed methods research was designed and there were 3 research steps, which consisted of step 1 studying the characteristics of school administrators in elementary schools. Questionnaires were used by 390 school administrators in primary school. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Step 2 was to develop the school administrators according to Sangahavatthu 4principle using interview with 24 key informants. Data was analyzed by content analysis. Step 3 was to propose the development process of the school administrators according to Sangahavatthu 4 principle by having a focus group discussion of 9 experts, and data was analyzed using content analysis. The findings of this study were 1) the characteristics of administrators in primary schools under Bangkok Metropolitan Administration were shown overall at high level in 3 aspects consisted of leadership, morality and ethics, knowledge and ability. 2) The development of the characteristics of school administrators according to physical and performance aspects in 3 characteristics consisted of leadership, morality and ethics, and knowledge and ability integrating with Sangahavatthu IV principles that bases and acts of solidarity, sympathy, and doing favours, giving kindly speech, useful conduct, and even and equal treatment. 3) School administrators' development process according to Sangahavatthaya 4 principle for the primary school under Bangkok (SAS) consisting of (1) principles, (2) objectives, (3) operating systems, and (4) operational processes which is the development of school administrators according to Sangahavatthu IV principle for the primary school under Bangkok by integrating Sangahavatthu IV principle with the characteristics of the school administrators in all 3 aspects.

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How to Cite
(Sakul Subhaddo), P., Srivichai, S., & Boonpoo, S. (2020). DEVELOPMENT OF SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS ACCORDING TO SANGAHAVATTHU PRINCIPLES IN PRIMARY SCHOOLS UNDER BANGKOK METROPOLITAN ADMINISTRATION. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 7(2), 1–13. Retrieved from
Research Article


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