Transformational leadership and organization climate affecting the success of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18

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ณรงค์ศักดิ์ นาคสมบูรณ์
สมศรี ทองนุช
สถาพร พฤฑฒิกุล


The purposes of this research were to study the transformational leadership and organization climate those affected the success of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18. The sample were 346 teachers from the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18. A research instruments was a five scale rating survey questionnaire. Data were analyzed by mean, standard deviation, correlation coefficient and stepwise multiple regression analysis.

      The research findings were as follows:

  1. The success of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18 in overall were at the moderate level.

  2. The transformational leadership of school administrators of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18 in overall and each aspect were at the high level.

  3. The organization climate of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18 in overall and each aspect were at the good level.

  4. The correlation of the transformational leadership of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18 was found positive relationship with school success at the moderate level and the organization climate was found having positive relationship with the statistical significant at .01 level.

  5. The transformational leadership and organization climate affected the success of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18. The predict equation showed the good predictive variables, they were; organization’s relationship, responsibilities, respect and rewards, and standard. Those are able to influence the prediction of the success of the world-class standard schools with statistically significant at .05 level. The predictive variables are able to influence in the success of the world-class standard schools at 67.30 percent. The predictive equation in raw score and standard score were;

      = .96 + 1.67(X26) - 1.20(X23) - .65(X24) + .83(X22)

      = 2.03(Z26) - 1.49(Z23) -.81(Z24) + 1.01(Z22)

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How to Cite
นาคสมบูรณ์ ณ., ทองนุช ส., & พฤฑฒิกุล ส. (2019). Transformational leadership and organization climate affecting the success of the world-class standard schools under the Secondary Educational Service Area Office 18. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(3), 29–43. retrieved from
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