Civic Education

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ศุจิพร เขียนด้วง


The objective of this article was to build the basic understandings about civic education by exploring the definitions, natures and characteristics, and goals of civic education management towards the good understandings about the ways to build the citizenship through the process of civic education and enhancing civic ethics based on border area context. This study focused on exploring Mae Sot District, Tak Province as the case study because the border area contains varieties and overlays in physical, linguistic, traditional, cultural characteristics, beliefs and values, way of life, or even ethnic variety. Thus, the lack of attention to civic education or the creation of citizenship results in the national security, social order, and potential problems.

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How to Cite
เขียนด้วง ศ. (2019). Civic Education. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(2), 209–220. retrieved from
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