Suitable Monastic areas Development

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ศิรดา ยะโอษฐ์


This article aimed to study the developmental approach to temple’s suitable monastic areas based on the meanings of Buddhist studies. Data collected were integrated with field study data to be synthesized to build the concrete meanings of suitable monastic areas in order to apply the findings to current era appropriately. The word “Suitable Monastic Areas” hereto means comfortable environment or factors promoting the comfortable status towards self-learning and self- and social development in both secular and religious worlds. A temple with suitable monastic areas is a place where monks fully perform their roles and people need to go to a temple. Besides, the relationship between monks and people will be improved.

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How to Cite
ยะโอษฐ์ ศ. (2019). Suitable Monastic areas Development. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(2), 200–208. Retrieved from
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