The Development of E-Learning Courseware with the After Action Review of Secondary 2 Students

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วาสนา จันทร์ลา
เยาวลักษณ์ พิพัฒน์จำเริญกุล


The purposes of this research were 1) to develop the e-learning courseware with the after action  review  of  secondary 2 students, 2) to compare the learning achievement of secondary 2 students before and after studying the e-learning courseware with the after action review, 3) to study the practical methods affecting the success of creative products of secondary 2 students studying the e-learning courseware with the after action review, 4) to compare learner's creative products before and after studying the e-learning courseware with the after action review of secondary 2 students, and 5) to study the satisfaction of secondary 2 students towards studying the e-learning courseware with the after action review.

          The samples of this research were ๓๐ secondary 2 students at Saraburiwitthayakhom School. They were selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments were the e-learning courseware with the after action review of secondary ๒ students, achievement test, creative product evaluation form, and questionnaire. The statistics used to analyze data were mean, standard deviation and  t-test for dependent samples.

          The research results showed that 1) the efficiency of e-learning courseware with the after action review was higher than the efficiency criteria E1/E2 = 88.72/87.17, respectively. 2) The learning achievement of students after studying the e-learning courseware was significantly higher than before studying the e-learning courseware at the .05 level. 3) The practical methods affecting the success of creative products were: to study the e-learning courseware instruction and instruments clearly, to practice frequently in order to know the limitation of program and instruments, to plan and manage the time, and to provide computers and internet connection in order to facilitate students in learning and working. 4) The creative products of students after studying the e-learning courseware were significantly higher than before studying at the .05 level. 5) The satisfaction of learners towards the e-learning courseware with the after action review was at the high level.

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How to Cite
จันทร์ลา ว., & พิพัฒน์จำเริญกุล เ. (2019). The Development of E-Learning Courseware with the After Action Review of Secondary 2 Students. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(2), 55–66. retrieved from
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