Development of the Instructional Process of Project Based Learning for Enhancing the Learners in the 21st Century of Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Section, Bangkok

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พระสมนึก ฐิตาจาโร พันธุ์เพชร
พระมหาสุเมธ สุจิตฺโต สามารถกิจ
พระมหาเอกชัย ฐิตปัญฺโญ พลเดช
สุภกิจ โสทัด
พรสวรรค์ รอดคล้าย


The project-based learning management was the basis for learning the subject description better than the learning method used in the lecture, which was a very deep learning process in the topic of learning according to the interests of individual learners or group learners. The main features of the project were to focus on the answers to the questions and practice activities to practice their skills in their own every step. The teachers provided the learning and used technology to assist in learning and project-based learning. The supporting factors and conditions of the Instructional Process of Project Based Learning consisted of 6 steps: basic knowledge, the stimulation of interest, the grouping of cooperation, the pursuit of knowledge, the conclusion of the study process, and the presentations and evaluations. For the grouping of the development of thinking process in a systematic and concrete consisted of 5 groups: basic thinking, rational thinking, creative thinking, holistic thinking, and 5 thinking for success. On the development of the learning and teaching process consisted of 5 aspects: focus on interdisciplinary learning in core subjects, creating a learning environment that focused on performance-based, creating Innovation, promoting the integration of learning resources and created an atmosphere both physical and mental, and the development of self-learning through planning and collaboration. Development of the Instructional Process of  Project Based Learning for  Enhancing the Learners in the 21st Century of Phrapariyattidhamma  Schools, General Education Section, Bangkok, should start from the philosophy of education and vision by the philosophy of education and vision management of the school must be clearly defined and also the policy must be assigned in line with the educational philosophy and vision so that the teachers will plan the learning and teaching in accordance with the philosophy, vision and policy, and the curriculum and learning objectives according to  standard and core curriculum indicators using teaching styles and teaching techniques that make the learners learn the most proactive.

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How to Cite
พันธุ์เพชร พ. ฐ., สามารถกิจ พ. ส., พลเดช พ. ฐ., โสทัด ส., & รอดคล้าย พ. (2019). Development of the Instructional Process of Project Based Learning for Enhancing the Learners in the 21st Century of Phrapariyattidhamma School, General Education Section, Bangkok. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 6(2), 122–137. Retrieved from
Research Article


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