Academic Management Community Participation to Sangkahavatthu 4 in Primary Schools Administration Under Nonthaburi Provincial Administration Organization Group 1

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เปรมปวีร์ รักความซื่อ
อินถา ศิริวรรณ
วิชชุดา หุ่นวิไล


The objectives of this research were; 1) To study the opinion towards
community participatory academic administration based on Sangahavatthu in primary
schools Under Nonthaburi Provincial Administration Organization Group 1, 2) To
compare the opinion towards community participatory academic administration
based on Sangahavatthu in primary schools Under Nonthaburi Provincial
Administration Organization Group 1, and 3) To study suggestions in community
participatory academic administration based on Sangahavatthu in primary schools
Under Nonthaburi Provincial Administration Organization Group 1. The mixed research
methodology was used in the study. The data were collected from 214 samples in 6
schools consisting of school administrators, teachers, school board and community
leaders. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, standard
deviation, t-test and F-test.
The results of the study found that:
1. The opinion of school administrators, teachers, school board and community
leaders towards community participatory academic administration based on
Sangahavatthu in primary schools Under Nonthaburi Provincial Administration
Organization Group 1 was at the high level overall in every aspect; measurement and
evaluation, curriculum development, learning process development, and education
2. The comparison result based on genders, the opinion of male school
administrators, teachers, school board and community leaders towards community
participatory academic administration based on Sangahavatthu was higher than of
the female subjects.
3. The comparison result based on ages, the school administrators, teachers,
school board and community leaders with different ages had overall different levels
of opinion towards community participatory academic administration based on
Sangahavatthu with a significant statistic figure at 0.05. In aspect, the difference was
also found in measurement and evaluation, but not found by Scheffe test method.
4. Guidelines in community participatory academic administration based on
Sangahavatthu in primary schools Under Nonthaburi Provincial Administration
Organization Group 1 were as follows; 1) In curriculum development, community
should have a role in providing lunch for children, participation in academic
development, and raise the fund for school. 2) In learning process development,
community should participate in training and framing school children with morality
and desirable attributes. 3) In learning measurement and evaluation, school and
community should work together in learning measurement and evaluation of
children. 4) In education supervision, the school should arrange activities encouraging
democratic leadership, public sacrifice, neutrality and respect to different opinions.

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How to Cite
รักความซื่อ เ., ศิริวรรณ อ., & หุ่นวิไล ว. (2018). Academic Management Community Participation to Sangkahavatthu 4 in Primary Schools Administration Under Nonthaburi Provincial Administration Organization Group 1. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 5(3), 210–220. retrieved from
Research Article


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