Learning Management by Using Skill Training Subject on Sufficieny Economy Philosophy of the 1st Secondary School Students at Wat Bangphlinoi Samut Prakarn Provine

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พระคเณศ ปภสฺสโร ทองผา
สมชัย ศรีนอก
บุญเลิศ จีรภัทร


In this research, the objectives were 1) to study to the learning management by
using the skill training subject on the sufficiency economy and 2) to compare the
achievement in the learning before and after. This was the experimental research in
which the sample was used, consisting of the students, 1st secondary in the second
semester, the academic year 2017 in the secondary school namely Wat Bangphlinoi
school, Samutprakan province. They were the thirty - four persons in this class where
was selected specifically. The used tools were the plan for the learning management by
using the skill training subject and the test for finding the achievement on this plan. Its
statistics was the percentage, the means, and the standard deviation.
Findings were as follows:
1. The result of its skill training subject on the sufficiency economy of them has
the effective (E1 /E2) equally to 82.41 / 82.53. It was higher than the expected standard
80 / 80. They understood the contents well by contemplating the scores in the learning
and the achievement in the overview from the learning on the sufficiency economy.
2. The students had got the learning management by using the skill training
subject on the sufficiency economy and they had got the achievement in the learning
what its result was significantly higher than before learning at the level 0.05 from the
comparison of the achievement between before and after learning.

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How to Cite
ทองผา พ. ป., ศรีนอก ส., & จีรภัทร บ. (2018). Learning Management by Using Skill Training Subject on Sufficieny Economy Philosophy of the 1st Secondary School Students at Wat Bangphlinoi Samut Prakarn Provine. Journal of Educational Review Faculty of Education in MCU, 5(3), 190–198. Retrieved from https://so02.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/EDMCU/article/view/178273
Research Article


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