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The purpose of this research was to study 1) the level of compliance
development of school administrators and 2) guidelines for academic development
according to the role of school administrators. There were 2 steps to conduct research. Step
1 was to study the level of compliance with the academic development of school
administrators. Sample groups was 123 academic supervisors or academic teachers, obtained
by stratified sampling. The instrument used in the research was a questionnaire with 5 scales
questions with a confidence value of 0.97. The statistics used for data analysis were mean
and standard deviation. Step 2 was to study guidelines for academic development according
to the role of school administrators under the jurisdiction of the office of Ayutthaya primary
education area 1 by interviewing 5 experts. The key informants were 5 experts. The research
instrument was semi-structured interview form and the data analysis was analyzed by using
content analysis.
The results of the research were as follows: 1) The level of compliance with
the academic development role of school administrators was at a high level, descending
order of the mean was the role of human relations and communication, academic
leadership, role of good management, role of creating ideas and role of supervision. 2) The
guidelines for academic development according to the role of school administrators in the
overall picture are divided into 5 areas, such as the role of academic leadership, namely the
school director encouraging teachers to record student grades, applying achievement data in
teacher meetings or using PLC processes to jointly set goals, mission in the development of
academic work of educational institutions and leading to practice by defining in school
strategies or projects. In addition, the role of good management is that the school directornotifying teachers to acknowledge the goals of the curriculum (Input), teachers designing the
learning management creating a learning management plan to achieve the goals of the
program (process) and the student's achievement indicating the effectiveness of the
curriculum to learning management (Output), encouraging teachers to work together and
being developed in 2 aspects: knowledge and morality by organizing the PLC hours within
the subject group to create cooperation in the development of teaching and learning.
Keyword: Guidelines Development, Academic, School Administrat
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ทัศนะและความคิดเห็นที่ปรากฏในบทความในวารสารฉบับนี้ถือเป็นความรับผิดชอบของผู้เขียนบทความนั้นเพียงผู้เดียว และไม่ถือเป็นทัศนะและความรับผิดชอบของกองบรรณาธิการ
ต้นฉบับที่ได้รับการตีพิมพ์ในวารสารครุศาสตร์ปริทรรศน์ คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย ถือเป็นกรรมสิทธิ์ของคณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยมหาจุฬาลงกรณราชวิทยาลัย ห้ามนำข้อความทั้งหมดหรือบางส่วนไปพิมพ์ซ้ำ เว้นเสียแต่ว่าจะได้รับอนุญาตจากมหาวิทยาลัยฯ เป็นลายลักษณ์อักษร
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