Behavioral Economics and Nudging Safer Road Behavior in Thailand

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Panthip Suaysom
Peera Tangtammaruk


In Thailand, road traffic deaths among motorcyclists are still the major problem, the public motorcycle are the most concerned group in Bangkok because we usually see many evidences where the public motorcycle passengers do not wear a helmet. The purpose of this research is to apply the Nudge from Behavioral Economic Theory to promote the helmet use among the public motorcycle passengers. In our experiment, we applied the principle of Default Option, we asked the rider to give his passenger a helmet as a Default option. Moreover, we also have cohort Nudge experiment applying the idea of Loss Aversion and Peer Effect. This research found that if the motorcycle taxi rider gives helmet as the default option to passengers, 27.8 percent of them received and wore a helmet. In the Cohort Nudge experiment, we found that applying the idea of Peer Effect can effectively.

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How to Cite
Suaysom, P., & Tangtammaruk, P. (2022). Behavioral Economics and Nudging Safer Road Behavior in Thailand. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 17(4). retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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