Assessment on the Disclosure of the Audit Committee’s Operation of the Listed Companies in the Stock Exchange of Thailand
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This research aimed to explore the disclosures of the operations of audit committee (AC) for listed companies, the audit committee composition , the meeting of committees and the relationship between size of companies, components of AC, meeting of AC and the disclosure of the operations of AC. The data were collected from AC report presented in annual reports of 476 listed companies in 2017, and were analyzed by using basic statistical methods such as frequency distribution, mean, percentage, standard deviation including multiple regression. The results indicated that overall, the disclosure level of the operations of audit committee was high (at 74.51 percent). The listed companies also showed in 3 matters which had lowest level of disclosure according to the suggestion of audit committee manual, especially their opinion on adequate anti-corruption. However, the disclosure levels were different among industries at a significance level of 0.05 Finance industry had the highest score while, property & construction industry were in the moderate level. Other 6 industries were disclosed in high level. The research found that size of companies (total assets) and also frequencies of AC meetings had the positive relationships to the overall disclosures on audit committee’s operations at significant 0.05 level.
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