The Feasibility of Thai’s Film Industries in Transit to Digital Age

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ภาสวรรณ กรกชมาศ [Passawan Korakotchamas]


This research is a survey of the effects of digital technology in the Thai film industry. In the production department, which comprise of pre-production, production and post-production of film industry whether there is any similarity or difference from the original analog filming. As well as the preparation of people in the film production, process in order to cope with the competition and developing film industry to be standardized as a cultural export product to be equal to other countries in the region. The objective of the study is divided into 2 objectives: 1) to study the effect of changing the technology of film production from analog to digital and 2) to explore the readiness of personnel in the digital film industry of Thailand.

This research employed qualitative methodology by using focus-group interview, which divides the main informants into 2 groups: 1 producer group and film director and 2 team members (including assistant director, film director, cinematographer, at least 3 people per groups). The in-Depth-Interview also applied in this study, three film scholars were interviewed in order to explore the effects and readiness of changing the technology of film production from analog to digital systems in the film industry in Thailand

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How to Cite
[Passawan Korakotchamas] ภ. ก. (2019). The Feasibility of Thai’s Film Industries in Transit to Digital Age. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 14(1), 98–107. retrieved from
บทความวิจัย (Research article)


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