Integrated Marketing Communication Approach for Tourism Development in Kwan Phayao

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ทศพล คุ้มสุพรรณ [Thosaphon Khumsuphan]
ฤทัยภัทร พิมลศรี [Luethaipat Pimonsree]


Tourism of Kwan Phayao must have the awareness for target group that needs a unique city character like Kwan Phayao. Therefore, the implementation of integrated and potential marketing communication procedures must be employed to emphasize that Phayao Province has been considered as a ‘slow-life, happy-living city’ and related to the findings of this specific characteristics study. This image is accordance with specific characteristics and potential of this city. In the first phase, the campaign named ‘Phayao Together’ should be launched in order to stimulate residents of Phayao Province to adapt themselves to the forms of tourism and tourists’ expectations including to have delicious and safe food made from products in Kwan Phayao, to commute conveniently by bicycle, to stay at stylish, scenic and clean accommodations. As a pit stop city, Phayao Province has been defined as a tourist spot where a majority of tourists stop by, visit Kwan Phayao, snap some shots and proceed to their further destinations. To indicate an explicit target group who are over 30-year-old citizens earning a minimum of 30,000 baht a month is a reflection of the target group who are stressful citizens restricted by time and punctuality in a big city. Phayao Province thereby is a good destination for the target group to relax amid enchanted scenery of the river bend and high mountains. The implementation of various and potential marketing communication procedures such as online media must be guided by all parties including government authorities and local entrepreneurs in order to plan and construct objectives and approaches for a slow-life and happy-living-city which would lead to the successful marketing communication.

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How to Cite
[Thosaphon Khumsuphan] ท. ค., & [Luethaipat Pimonsree] ฤ. พ. (2019). Integrated Marketing Communication Approach for Tourism Development in Kwan Phayao. Journal of Business, Innovation and Sustainability (JBIS), 14(1), 10–21. retrieved from
บทความวิชาการ (Academic article)


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